Our Services
Knickmann Service
Teaching and learning materials for all educational institutions
Our offer is aimed at schools and educational institutions of all kinds at home and abroad. You will receive comprehensive support from us in planning and processing your textbook order. In addition to school books, we also provide other teaching and learning aids required for lessons, such as CD-ROMs, DVDs, learning games, etc. We will make you a non-binding offer upon request.
Do you know your options? - Use our possibilities!
The Book Price Fixing Act also applies to the sale of school books in Germany. However, many schools do not know how to optimize their bulk order to take advantage of the best possible conditions at all times. It is not only a matter of the possible discounts that we are allowed to grant you on the shop price, but above all of numerous additional services that make ordering and delivery of school books easier and more attractive for you. We will advise you reliably on how you can fully exploit the scope of the Book Price Fixing Act with the help of our textbook service.
Our Free Services for Bulk Orders in Germany
- Delivery free to the point of use - with no minimum order value!
- Free hotline for advice, title research, ordering, etc.
- Four free order channels: phone, fax, e-mail, online shop
- Creation of reading lists and bibliographical references
- Sorting according to your individual requirements (e.g. class / subject)
- Delivery to the desired location on site
- Unpacking / counting the books
- Take back of the complete packaging material
- Delivery as soon as possible or on the desired date
- Invoicing according to your individual requirements
We will be happy to provide you with our services for bulk orders from abroad on request.
Please contact us for offers and further information.
Telephone number: +49 (0) 40 - 39 99 39 0
Fax number: +49 (0) 40 - 39 99 39 26
Email: info@buch-knickmann.de